If you've browsed through "bookstagram" or "booktok" at all, you'll probably have noticed people outlining their TBR, or "to be read", lists. I have also tried hard to make my own TBR lists but I have yet to really stick to one, and I believe it's because I'm a "mood reader", which simply means I read books that I am in the mood for rather than what I'm planned for. I am constantly straying from my planned lists and returning library books unread because the hold came in but I don't want to read the book right now.
While I had a hard time sticking to books I've planned to read (which I've tried to do in an effort to read some of the books I've had for a long time), I've found I can easily stick to a TBR list that has some flexibility in it! I value reading books I've recently purchased, that are new releases, and that I'm excited about but I also value reading backlist looks that I've had on my shelf for a while. I value reading diverse books with diverse characters and I also like to switch my heavier reads up with lighter ones. I value having access to quick and engaging thrillers as well as meaningful books that pull on my heart strings.
So this month for my TBR book planning, I decided to build a flexible reading plan that allows me to hit all of the categories I am hoping to cover in my reading life, while giving me the flexibility to pick the books I actually want to read at the time. I even built a little tracker/graphic in case you wanted to try this too!
